5 effortless ways to promote your earned media coverage

As a business owner it's important to make the most of your PR opportunities, especially your earned media coverage.

If you've received press coverage, been highlighted in a media feature, or received glowing reviews, don’t let them fade away! Instead, maximize your earned media’s worth using one of these five simple and fast strategies.

1. Promote your coverage on social media.

Social media is a great way to spread word about your most recent earned media. By sharing the content on your company’s Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest, you’re increasing its reach and attracting more readers and viewers. Remember to tag the post with relevant hashtags to encourage followers and prospective clients to share your content. 

2. Highlight your earned media in an email blast.

If you have a populated email list of prospective clients, email blasts are a fast, easy way to reach your target and invite them to share the earned media coverage, too. Choose a catchy subject line to increase open rates and include multiple ways to share — including via social media and traditional email.

Similarly, if you maintain a regular newsletter, add a call-to-action (CTA) for readers to check out the earned media wherever it lives online. In the next newsletter, provide more detailed information about the coverage and include the link again for anyone who may have missed it.

3. Publish the earned media on your website.

Make sure to add every media coverage you secure on your website so visitors (read: prospective clients) can see the splash you’re making. Publishing earned media keeps website content relevant and increases your credibility and trust, especially if the earned media comes from a respected voice in your industry.

Create a Newsroom page or specific section on your website to aggregate links from all the media you’ve earned. Not only does this raise your prospective customers’ confidence in your brand, but the more earned media coverage you earn, the more you establish yourself as an expert in your industry.

4. Repurpose the content on your company blog.

Content marketing is an especially effective tactic in today’s highly digital business world. While you might not be able to republish the article in full on your own company blog, you can write a blog post that covers a similar topic and link to the media hit. For instance, if you’re a restaurant owner quoted in an article about tips for cooking at home, you can write a blog post about your favorite homemade recipes and include a link to that article for further reading. 

5. Share the earned media with your personal networks.

You and your team should share each exciting media hit with your professional and personal contacts for increased exposure. Encourage business partners, friends, and even family members to give you a shoutout on their social media accounts. Just one share increases your post’s reach, and consistently promoting earned media this way can bring a wealth of growth.

Looking to get more earned media coverage? Flight PR can help. Get in touch with us to learn more.


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